Directly Transactional Content vs. Customer Attracting Content
Not all content is designed to bring sales directly. I don’t mean the top-of-funnel content (eg a lamb roast recipe on a grocery site) I mean content completely outside the funnel, like link-baiting content. This content might never bring a customer to your website, and that’s fine. That’s not its purpose. It’s purpose is link baiting, and in doing so, the links it brings will increase the rankings of your other content.
Let’s get into it.
For the purpose of this example, let’s assume the client is a Hospital providing cutting-edge medical procedures
Transactional Content – Bottom of Funnel
People searching for content on this page are already very advanced in decision-making. Rankings for this kind of content are usually very competitive because conversation rates are high
- Landing Pages with details about the treatment, rates of success, the treatment process etc eg, Stem Cell Treatment for Autism
Non Transactional but Related Content – Top of Funnel
This type of content attracts people in the research phase. They likely aren’t looking to become customers today, but it’s important to win their trust as a source of information about their desired topic. Examples might include:-
- Summaries of medical reports showing recent improvements in treatment. Stem Cell Medical Reports
- A List of celebrities who had gotten treatment for the condition. Celebrities who have had Stem Cell Treatment
Link Bait Content
A list of advancements over time in treatments for this condition. Stem Cell Treatment Advancements
A study showing how mothers carry much of the unpaid work in society The Unpaid labor of Mothers in 2024
Now, this content will likely bring few conversions, but it does bring links, and links to these pages will pass link power to the transactional pages, resulting in higher rankings.
So get your transactional content done right and your top-of-funnel content, but don’t forget your link-baiting content because that’s where the links are going to come from.
Need help with your content strategy? Talk to us today!