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SEO is an Arms Race.  If don’t need to have the biggest army, just the best.

SEO is about content, links, providing a great user experience, and having a fast, crawlable website that Google gives a tick of approval to.  Simple right?  It is.  It really is.  The problem is not that SEO is hard, that it costs money, and the playing field is not level when the different websites have vastly different budgets.  So how to compete against a vastly bigger player?  You need an SEO who knows how to build scalable solutions.

Here are a few we’ve built in the last 12 months.

E-commerce client needing 100,000 product descriptions

One of our clients had 100,000 products on their website, all branded products coming from different health food companies.  They were trying to compete against the established mega sites and failing.  They had great ancillary content, even great links… but their products were not ranking.  Because their product content was not good enough.

  • They were using the manufacturer’s basic descriptions.
  • The competition had the budget to rewrite them, add in relevant data about usage, and even reproduce the ingredients and nutritional value from the product labels (not included in the manufacturer descriptions)

Our client’s product data was just not as good.  How to compete?  They could not simply expand their own descriptions, and type out the package ingredients etc.

So.  We Solved it.

  • We built a scraper that scraped their top 4 competitors of all products.
  • The data was cross-checked against each other, to ensure we had the correct data. If one website had different data to the 3 others, we discarded it.
  • We then analyzed which ones were consistently doing best in Google by building a Google results scraper.
  • Then we used AI to rewrite the descriptions, and even create tables for ingredients and nutritional value.

Now our client had the best content, all unique, written in a style nearly indecteable as AI (this took some work, but is possible with good prompts).

The machine we built would auto scan our clients product inventory, research and write improved content for them on the fly.

Comparison site needing to keep up with Constant Product changes

This client came to us needing SEO for the product comparison sites.  They were comparing the best products in niches on different marketplaces such as Amazon, and recommending the best products.  The problem was, that the product data (price, availability which was best) would constantly change so their data was constantly out of date.

So.  We fixed it

  • We built a scraper so they could enter any Amazon search into the website.
  • The scraper would then scrape all the products from Amazon for the category.
  • Next, the products would be compared by looking at things like price, review scores, features etc, but also using AI to understand how genuine the reviews were, or if certain issues were being seen by multiple people in order to determine a final score.
  • Then the top ten products were chosen, AI was used to write the for and against case for each product and build the HTML for the page.
  • Monthly, the page would re-run, and get new products into the comparison.

The client came to use wanting some SEO for their existing, very labor-intensive system and left with a machine that can compare 50,000 products in a day.

Client needed help with Haro / Source Bottle Link Building

A client was doing their own link-building by reaching out to Haro (now retired) and Source Bottle journalists.  The way these sites work is journalists post a request for a source for an article, and people with validating content or expertise contact them detailing their expertise and data, hoping it will be referenced in the journalist’s article(s). It works – it’s a GREAT way to do link-building that provides value.  But our new client was getting frustrated.  Journalists work on deadlines and often someone had beaten them to the punch.

So. We fixed it.

  • We analysed the top sites providing this service.
  • We built an application to monitor the requests as they were published.
  • The application would then look for matching source content on the client’s site and reach out to the journalist on behalf of the site.  This done using AI, but the prompts were done well enough, that it was nearly impossible to tell it wasn’t a real person.

Using this system, our client was able to get responses back to journalists within 15 minutes and as a result, they got many more links.

This is how our clients win using SEO

These are but a few of the bespoke solutions we have built to scale our clients’ SEO efforts.  SEO is an arms race.  If you don’t have the biggest pockets, then you need to have the smartest solutions.  Of course, if you have both the deepest pockets AND can employ strategies like these?  Well.  Your website SEO will be unstoppable.